Vaccine types


This dataset contains descriptive information about vaccines that are in use in countries around the world or have been approved for use (emergency, limited, or full approval), along with information on who manufacturers the vaccine, type of vaccine, number of doses required etc. New vaccines will be added when they are either approved by a country, or a country starts to vaccinate with them.
Data as of 30 June 2022.

Description of variables

ID:ID number.

Vaccine_platform_acronymn:Acronym for platform used to carry the vaccine.

Vaccine_platform_description: Description of platform used to carry the vaccine.

Number_of_doses: Number of doses of vaccine needed to be fully vaccinated.

Dosing_schedule Days when vaccines should be delivered.

Route_of_administration: How is vaccine administered.

Type_of_vaccine: Description of the type of vaccine.

Names: The name of the vaccine, this is sometimes more like a product code than a name eg BBIBP-CorV, or Ad26.COV2.S. Some vaccines appear to have more than one name.

Common_name: The most commonly used name of a vaccine. eg, BBIBP-CorV is more commonly known as the Sinopharm vaccine and Ad26.COV2.S is the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

storage: Temperature at which vaccine has to be stored.

Developers: Name of company that developed the vaccine.

Country_of_origin: Country or countries developer company is based.

Phase: Phase of clinical trial.

Covax: Yes or No variable. Is the vaccine part of the Covax initiative?

WHO_emergency_use_listing: Description of where the vaccine is in the WHO’s emergency listing process.

Data_of_who_recommendation: Date on which WHO emergency use listing was approved

efficacy_1: Percentage. What is the vaccine’s efficacy on “wild” SARS-Cov-2 virus from Phase 3 or 4 clinical trials?

efficacy_RSA: Percentage. What is the efficacy of the virus when tested against the B.1.315 variant, which is dominant in South Africa?

date_of_test_results_1: Date the efficacy_1 results were published.

Results_published: No means results have not been published in peer-reviewed journal. Name of journal if results have been published.

date_results-published:Date when results were published in peer-reviewed journal


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Data last updated June 30, 2022
Metadata last updated June 30, 2022
Created June 30, 2022
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 1 year ago
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 1 year ago
on same domainTrue
package id704a0635-2d2b-4cae-bc9c-59721ade20a4
revision id26941984-04f4-4eaa-9669-1e1494bde049
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